
The word "pride" in pale blue stacked on top of the words "IN THE" in black, stacked on top of the word "CITY" in black, with a the pale blue Capital Pride dome logo image in the center of the letter "C" in City. This spells pride IN THE CITY. Underneath is the #StillWe logo with the word "We" with angles progressive pride flag colors from top to bottom starting with black, blrown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, white, and baby blue. Below the word #StillWe is the word in all caps PERSEVERE.

Pride in the City - #StillWePersevere

Episode #3: March 16, 7:00 PM – #StillWePersevere Join us…

Pride in the City - #StillWeLaugh

Episode #2: August 9, 7:00 PM – #StillWeLaugh The second…

Pride in the City - #StillWeEntertain

Join us as we explore the best of Washington, D.C.’s vibrant…