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We seek support from advocates who affirm and support our unique message of educating and celebrating the diversity of our community, challenging discrimination, and working toward full equality for LGBTQ+ individuals and their families. By supporting the Capital Pride Alliance, including Capital Pride 2024, WorldPride 2025, and all the Pride 365 events, you gain access to a large and diverse audience on a regional, national, and international stage.

The 2024 Capital Pride Theme is Totally Radical

Emerging from the discovery period of the 1960s and 1970s, the LGBTQ+ community found itself confronted by a series of social and political hurdles. The devastation of the newly emerging HIV/AIDS epidemic quickly took the lives of countless LGBTQ+ individuals, and the inaction and apathy of the mainstream medical and political institutions lead to the creation of many community-based service organizations and the birth of the radical actions of ACT UP (the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power).  The schism that had long existed between gay men and women was closed as the community banded together to take care of its own. In this new movement, the community adopted the pink triangle, a symbol of oppression in Nazi Germany, and turned it into a symbol for radical empowerment.

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#TotallyRadical #CapitalPride #WorldPrideDC #WorldPride2025 #Pride365

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