Queer Dance Naked Party with DJ Beatrix
FreeQ (Freedom for Queers) presents
with beats by DJ Beatrix
Hosted by Mx Dream Beautiful
Set up your laptop, your lights, and your desires! Get down, reconnect with friends and meet new people, at the best online queer dance n8k3d club ever. This dance n8k3d party is about liberation and radical self-love. The goal is to create a sense of joyous adventure, as we move so much of ourselves online. Come as you are. If you want to get naked, super fabulous. Yes! This space is for YOU! If you want to wear costumes, that’s great too. I encourage you to go one step further than you have before.
Please help us create a space in which those of us who love to be n8k3d feel supported in doing so. This is a leap of faith for some, and let’s please create trust together. This queer-centered, gender-inclusive, and body-positive party is for humans of all genders, races, sexual orientations, ethnicities, body types, physical/mental realities, and backgrounds. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, fat-phobia, body shaming etc. will not be tolerated. Please respect pronouns and names, and ask politely if you are unsure. Cis people are encouraged to share their pronouns when introducing themselves.
Consent rules apply. Phobias are booted. No recording or pics. We have our own video tech app free of surveillance, and we will email you right before the event with special log-in instructions.
When you purchase tickets, you agree to our FreeQ Queer Dance Naked Party Rules on Engagement. To learn more visit: freeq.love
Tickets are $15 and available at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mar-13-queer-dance-n8k3d-party-dj-beatrix-tickets-143687889345