Harm Reduction 101 Training
#DecrimPovertyDC invites you to join the conversation about harm reduction in this 101-training led by fantastic members of the Baltimore Harm Reduction Coalition. Bring an open mind, questions, and some dinner to this online training and conversation!
Through the guidance of BHRC, we will explore questions like:
What is harm reduction? What are the principles, tools, and strategies? How does it go beyond public health & policy?And so much more…
When: Jul 26, 2022 06:00 PM Eastern Timehttps://american.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcocu2srz8rH9eibZhN-GpoRxJntTyNZSIq
Register in advance for this meeting:After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
(If you cannot join or miss this virtual training, join us on August 2nd in Washington, DC for another harm reduction 101 hosted by the coalition during our participation in Night Out for Safety & Liberation)