Pride Talks: Be The Match
Joining the stem cell registry is just a cheek swab and only 1 in 430 are ever called to be a match! You could literally be a hero!
Tune in to our Pride Talk and learn more about Be The Match and hear from a searching Pride Community patient Elise Smith! There will be “Be The Match Trivia” and prizes along with a drawing for a$50 Amazon gift card for everyone that tunes in.
Register to participate fully. You can also watch on Facebook Live.
Our Guests
- Beth Carrion (She/Her) – Regional Account Manager at Be The Match
- Elise Smith (She/Her) – owner of WinniE’s Bakery & oECo Studios
If you can’t make it you can still register to be a life-saving donor by either going to my.bethematch.org/pride or simply text “PRIDE” to 61474to get your swab kit today!
Every 3 minutes a child or adult is diagnosed with a blood cancer or disease! Unfortunately, a perfect match has not been identified for any of these children both in their own family or through the Be the Match Registry. Most people that hear about Be The Match do not know that 80% of the time donating blood stem cells is very similar to aplatelet/plasma donation. Technology has changed in how we can now help these patients once they have exhausted all other options.
ANYONE can join the registry if you are between the ages of 18-44 and are in general good health!
For more information or to host an event contact: Beth Carrion, Account Manager ~ Be The Match ~210-214-7130 or [email protected].